Done and done. Full details to follow, but can't type now. So tired. Just know this, really and truly one of the best days of my life. Who knew? There was a bride in there afterall!
Still. Slightly. Hung. Over.
Saturday night I had the absolute pleasure to paint the town red with three of Toronto’s finest females, Scarbie, Ragdoll and The Suze. These generous and beautiful women took me out to celebrate the impending nuptuals, which, by the way are impending really freakin’ quickly. Five days and counting…
My memories of our Sex and the City style outing to a chic Queen West-West eatery and uber-trendy hotspot are still soggy from too much tequila, but from what I can recall:
a) We were all looking foxy and I have a picture to prove it but NO IDEA how to transfer it from my cell phone onto this magical glowing box.
b) Our meals were fantastic despite the fact that our waitress forgot to bring our plate of Moroccan spiced olives. Twice.
c) A banana walked by the restaurant while we were eating. A banana. This was before any tequila touched lips, I swear.
d) The Suze used her skillz to by pass the line at the club, but forgot that she was supposed to bring us with her! She did knock on the window and wave at us from the inside though, ever the thoughtful and loving friend.
e) Some guy came up to me and said, “Let me guess…. Jessica Simpson?” and then, not 30 minutes later another guy called me Jessica Simpson. I’d be developing a complex and blaming my new hair cut and her removal of extensions… but… fuck man, it’s Jessica Simpson. Who can complain?
f) Friends called me Jess for rest of the evening.
g) As if spending a whole night with my three favourite Tdot babes isn’t enough… my three favourite Tdot boys showed up later too. Weirdo rolled up around 1am, followed closely by Crown and GParty.
h) Crown was acting all badass and cocky because they wouldn’t let him pass the line, and in his words, “He could get into this motherfucker in three phone calls or less.” This is the behaviour that Scarbie and I dream of witnessing from him when we’re together. Cracks us up into fits. But also? Got to admit, HOT.
i) Weirdo danced on his speaker for about three solid hours. Also cracks us up. Also kinda hot.
j) GParty. What can I say about GParty? Who can have anything but the best time ever when GParty is in the house? Love him so much.
k) Also, Spiderman was at the club. I do not mean Toby Maguire the actor who plays Spiderman in the blockbuster Hollywood film adaptations about the famous comic book hero. I mean, some guy dressed as Spiderman. Full one piece spandex type suit completely with head sock and booties. Granted this maybe less random than the banana-guy (see above) but still, when’s the last time you saw a super-hero at a nightclub? I mean really.
l) Ran into some blasts from my past. One guy from university and one chick from high school. Both knew me in my “other life,” so my memories, especially of the guy, were fuzzy at best. It was kind of a worlds colliding moment. Luckily, from what I can recall, the past stayed firmly planted in the past. Was pretty jokes, actually.
m) Last call is extended until 4am in Toronto during the TIFF (film festival), so I’m sure you can imagine the amount of damage that was done. Enough said.
A huge and heartfelt thanks to my awesome girls who gave me a really special night, even though I said I didn’t need any fuss. You have made me vow that we do not need a bloody Las Vegas wedding to get us out together for a night of booty shaking!
Thank you. Love you. Never drinking again.