I wanted to write a quick weekend wrap-up because it was full of so many GTs (good times), but realized that despite the fact that this weekend contained almost all of my favourite activities, the damn horse riding still comes out on top. This is really saying a lot people, because when I say this weekend included almost all of my favourites things, I really mean it.
For example, this weekend included but was not limited to, the following amazing things:
- poker
- winning at poker
- peanut m&ms
- sunshine
- red wine
- staying in bed in the morning drinking coffee and reading the paper
- QT with BFFs
- vodka-red bull-sodas with lime
- mint chocolate chip ice cream cake
- a clean house (lame but I thrive on honesty)
- fresh flowers
- dancing to house music
- wearing a new top
- The Body Blitz Spa. Oh, my sweet Jesus Lord, the Body Blitz Spa
- lunch in the sun, on the patio, french fries included
- Arrested Development
- more mint chocolate chip ice cream cake
- more peanut m&ms
My parents came out to watch me ride this weekend, so maybe I'll have some entirely embarrassing pictures to post here soon. Of course, they clapped and snapped and flashed the thumbs up the entire time I was out there. It was like a grade-school choir performance but I loved it. At least I didn't fall off. Heh.
This was a magical weekend - and served only to make me long for next! It promises to be another goodie - with a double dose of horse power - riding on Saturday and Woodbine Racetrack with the fam on Sunday for Mother's Day done up Beaches style.
Until then, meet GusGus:

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