Hi. Have you missed me? I've been a little busy. HAHAHAAAA. Understatement of the century.
But I have not given up on this blog. And I still fully intend to honour #23. Its just, well, the thing of it is OMG I CAN'T DO IT ALL.
Apparently though, I can do a lot. Here's a quick run down of why I've been M.I.A.:
- We bought a house (#2, CHECK! Full post on this, with hilarious pictures to come)
- We packed up and moved out of our condo in order to sell it. We've been living at my parents' house now for close to five weeks (#3, to be checked off very soon I hope, will keep you posted)
- Work has been insane with the build up towards the full redesign of my website (#5, in the works!)
- Still taking my Interior Design class at Ryerson, which has included several Sundays devoted to a massive group project. Am going to post pictures of the crazy model we had to build as soon as I can find a few minutes to upload photos
- Christmas shopping
- Christmas parties and lunches (yes, already)
- Crown's mom was in town, so there was much evening visiting to be done
- Oh yeah, parenting a beautiful but, ehm, explosive toddler
- Throw in some incidentals like swimming lessons, real estate agent meetings and sleep
Add all those items up and I am left with something akin to NO TIME FOR ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL.
So bear with me. There is excitement afoot, I promise. And as soon as I have a minute or two to sit my ass down at the computer, I will share this excitement with you in a witty and engaging manner. Plus, I'm still finding time for the odd post of something pretty over at Beaches' Bites.
For now, proof that we still bring the cuteness, out and about in our temporary 'hood:

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