For Bella's fifth birthday Cairn and I decided to buy her a digital camera. I researched a bunch of "kid" versions at first because I was worried that buying a "real" camera for a five year old was certifiably insane because let's face it she's going to drop it out the car window; however, the kid versions of digital cameras are THE WORST. I knew that this kid, after being exposed since birth to a lot of photography both on our good camera and our iPhones, would scoff with all the eye-rolling indignation she could muster (a lot) at these horrible low rez atrocities. Instead, I researched kid-friendlyish (determined by me) grown up cameras instead.
End of the day I settled on a
Nikon CoolPix S30, which is geared towards use for the whole family and you know what? It's awesome. It's waterproof, shock proof and has fun features like borders and filters that are appealing to kids. It's also takes really great video. It's as kid-proof as a 'real' camera can be and I got it on sale so the entire gift - camera, memory card and case - was around $100. Quite proud of myself, can you tell?
My point? BEST GIFT EVER. I wanted her to have it mainly because we were headed off to Mexico with extended fam and all of us are photo-takers. I didn't want her asking to use our good camera or my iPhone - because clearly they'd end up buried in the sand - but figured that it would be fun to see our trip through her lens as well as my own.
OMG. I was so right, you guys! She doesn't pick up the camera that often, but when she does the results are pure gold. I recently downloaded her photos onto my computer and the idea for this series was born. I just have to share these pictures.
In this first installment in 'Pictures by Bella', all photos are from our vacation in Mexico this February. They are in chronological order. Almost all of the photos were taken by Bella herself, but a select few were only art-directed by her - mainly because her arms were too short for selfies. Or because she wanted a few photos of herself that featured more than just a close-up of half her squinting face. I haven't edited them in any way other than cropping a few to save space or remove the odd unsuspecting tourist from the shots. Hope you'll find them as entertaing as I do - enjoy!
Clearly not my best angle but still a sweet shot of a tired Mommy and adorable Ever on the plane. |
Happy Nana on the plane. |
Ever testing out the sleeping arrangements upon arrival. She took about 400 in this series but I love the lighting and composition of this one. She's so artsy. |
A classic back-lit silhouette I like to call, 'Happy Mommy in Hat'. |
Dad in his happy place. |
Shots of feet is a recurring theme in her work. |
Shots of herself in reflection is another recurring theme. This one is complex. |
I call this one, 'Poor Sofie'. |
This begins a selfie series: Photo taken by me, art directed by Bella, starring Dad and Bella. |
Amazing family selfie: Photo taken by Cairn, Art Directed by Bella, photo-bombed by that kid drowning his brother in the background. |
Mom + Bella selfie on the ferry to Cozumel: Photo taken by me, Art Directed by Bella, Photo-Bombed by the really angry dude behind me. |
Shadow selfie: Another recurring theme. |
Bella taking a photo of Papa's viewfinder displaying Bella displaying her own viewfinder. Existentialism. |
Amazing photo of Papa. Also that guy's shirt in the background. |
Yes I drank the whole thing. |
Selfie! |
Leaving Cozumel on the scariest ferry ever. Fear significantly dulled by giant margaritas (mine not Bella's). |
Another in the feet series. This time, mine and hers in Tulum. |
Everley cuteness in Tulum. |
Sandcastles in Tulum: Photo taken by me, Art Directed by Bella. |
Okay this one is actually just taken by me. But HOT DAD! |
Sometimes the artists signature "blur" works in the subjects favour. As in this shot, where it is masking a multitude of post-partum imperfections. |
Underwater feet! |
Unabashed poor parenting and less than desirable water safety. |
Greatest photo of all time. |
There's a less blurry version of this adorbs shot, but it features my bosom in an not-safe-for-work way. |
Amazing!! You have taken this to a whole 'nother level. Lucy's "Cats of Istanbul" series may have to be shared now!
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